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Friday, August 6, 2010

Nokia Oviapplications

There has been a lot of speculation in recent weeks about the future of Nokia phones and Symbian OS. Many insiders believe that Nokia has missed number of trends in the last few years and it will be hard for them to catch up. A recent study done by Generator Research  suggests that iPhone could surpass Nokia as the smart phone leader by 2013. The report predicts that Nokia will see its market share cut in half to just 20 percent by 2013 and names the rapid increase of the applications available for iPhone and price drop of 3G model to $99 as primary reasons for this.

This morning Wired magazine also published an article about why American consumers stay away from Nokia phones. This report is particularly interesting to me because in my previous job, I worked for one of the largest Mobile carriers in the US and I was part of Nokia’s “Retail Evangelist” team and we used to sit in focus groups and talk about this very specific issue and how Nokia can improve its market share in the US.

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